Can I Come Visit?

I love visiting schools!
I love teaching writing workshops!
My first school visit was TEN years ago. I worried I'd be tongue-tied or the kids wouldn't like me. But as soon as we locked eyes, it was no longer about ME. It was about connecting to each kid, engaging their curiosity, sparking their creativity, and bolstering their confidence to do what excites them -- even if it's a little intimidating (like talking to 500 kids).

Never met an author tilI was an adult. Never occurred to me that I could someday be an author. Wish I'd realized that sooner.
I tell kids:
Think of all the books you've ever seen,
in a classroom, library, bookstore. Every book that ever existed... Somebody wrote it.
Why not you? YOU can write the next one!
Invite an author to visit your school. Doesn't have to be me. Go to Connecting Authors and browse. See who grabs you, who your students will connect with. Call Connecting Authors and book a visit (1-866-528-9269). Do it today!